Thomas Chen
High school students Shreya Jyotishi (on the left) and Melissa DiDario (on the right) hold signs in support of Biden.
On Oct. 24 at 10:00 a.m., supporters of President Donald Trump drove from Mountainside and crossed Westfield in an organized truck parade, drawing the attention of local supporters and residents in a lively demonstration.
The truck parade entered Westfield on East Broad Street, passing Baron’s Drug Store before turning onto Central Avenue. Waving flags and honking horns, cheering drivers passed through the streets of downtown Westfield in custom-painted trucks and other motor vehicles decorated with American and Trump flags.
While supporters of both Trump and Democratic Candidate Joe Biden attended the parade, many people also witnessed the parade while walking and driving, as traffic was stopped to facilitate the long line of vehicles. Among those in attendance, mixed feelings were expressed about the political demonstration.
Some supporters of Trump who attended the parade viewed it as an opportunity to freely express their opinions on the upcoming election in addition to backing the candidate they stand for.
A resident of Westfield who was waiting for the parade alongside her family said, “I think it makes people feel good about their candidate to know that others are supporting him too. People want to support him any way they can.”
An anonymous eighth-grade student supporting Trump said, “It’s good to spread your message even though people might not agree. People will hear all the honking.”
Biden supporters also attended the parade to protest and represent their political stances. With their family, juniors Shreya Jyotishi and Melissa DiDario held signs and cheered in support of Biden.
Jyotoshi and DiDario shared strong feelings against Trump supporters parading through Westfield, viewing it as a disruption to the daily lives of local residents. Jyotoshi said, “You can show your support for a candidate through other ways besides stopping traffic. It inhibits other things that people have to get done.”
Others who were displeased with the parade passing through Westfield included two anonymous Westfield residents who believed the demonstration was inappropriate since many residents were not properly notified.
As the election approaches, political rallies and events become commonplace. People want to express their support for their presidential candidate and are willing to be flashy and loud to get their message across, even at the expense of others.
Regardless of whether people were motivated to have their voices heard amidst the beeping and honking of the truck parade, residents of Westfield were reminded of the upcoming election and the tense political atmosphere it brings with it.