Silver linings emerge amid the COVID-19 pandemic
For many people, the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic has been high. The Class of 2020 has lost precious time with their friends, businesses are suffering and most tragically, many lives have been lost. However, after every rain comes a rainbow. With this in mind, Hi’s Eye has compiled a list of the silver linings that have appeared during this pandemic.
Westfield Community
From porch concerts to giant banners across buildings downtown, everyone is doing their best to stay optimistic. Houses in Westfield have hung balloons on their front porches with messages such as, “Stay strong,” “Westfield strong,” and “We got this” in hopes of brightening someone’s day.
“At this point in time, seeing positive messages like that makes a difference,” said senior Mikaela Buoscio. “I think everyone just feels very distant, and seeing the banners and balloons personally makes me happy and hopeful. It reminds me that everyone is going through the same thing.”
In downtown Westfield, the James Ward Mansion has a banner hanging across the building that says,“Everything is going to be ok” to boost Westfield residents’ spirits. A few blocks down, the Rialto Theatre has a message as well that says, “Stay home, stay safe.”
Not only are families hanging balloons and signs outside their houses, but on March 21 residents went outside at 8 p.m. to clap for the medical professionals who have been working hard during this time.

On March 25, the Senate unanimously passed the largest aid package in U.S. history, $2.2 trillion, to assist the economic downturn due to COVID-19. This bill will give aid to workers, small businesses, state and local governments and industries who were impacted by COVID-19. It also gives $1,200 to every American adult who makes less than $75,000 a year and $2,400 to couples who have an income of $150,000 along with $500 for each child under 17.
Bipartisanship is a drastic change for the Senate. Just two months ago senators demonstrated to the world just how deep their party ties run in the Senate during President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.
“This is a proud moment for the United States Senate and for the country, and we’re going to win this battle in the very near future,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell after the vote to pass the aid package.
Two days after the Senate voted, the House of Representatives passed the bill before giving it to Trump to sign that evening.
“People will die today as a result of this virus,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during his closing remarks before the vote. “And we have come together as Democrats and Republicans from every region of this country to respond in a way that is sufficient to this challenge.”
Social Media Challenges
From online gatherings to positivity challenges, various social platforms are presenting different ways for users to stay hopeful.
A new challenge that WHS sports teams have been participating in is the “stay at home challenge,” which incorporates team members as they demonstrate a skill and pass it on to the next player. As of right now basketball, soccer, lacrosse and track have all been involved in this challenge. It’s a great way for WHS athletes to get outside and be active while maintaining positivity and teamwork.
“I participated in a soccer challenge where we juggled a roll of toilet paper and ‘kicked’ it to the next person on the video,” said senior Catharine Miller. “It definitely boosted my mood because it made me feel like I was part of something again. I worked with my teammates to accomplish a common goal, which was awesome, and something I’ve missed.”
Other physical challenges such as the “see 10 do 10” activity keeps social media users active. This challenge asks for people to “see” individuals do 10 push-ups on social media then “do” the 10 push-ups themselves before nominating other people to do the same.
Moving away from physical challenges, a common thing people have been doing on Instagram is the “spread positivity” post. This is where an individual posts a picture of themselves during a happy moment of their life. They nominate at least five more people to do that challenge and write #positivity on the post. The more posts on Instagram, the more joy it brings to people’s social media feeds. Miller said these challenges are “establishing a ‘we’re all in this together’ mentality and shedding a positive light on this dark situation.”
While many people may be annoyed that they cannot leave home, the lack of human contact with the outdoors has allowed the environment to start healing itself.
Social media clips have been shared online of animals such as dolphins, swans and fish entering Venice’s canals, which have gone unused in the past couple of weeks because of COVID-19.
According to Time, COVID-19 has cut China’s carbon emissions by 100 million metric tons. Marshall Burke, a professor at Stanford University, estimated that the improvements of the air quality in China due to quarantine have saved the lives of 4,000 children under 5 years old and 73,000 adults over 70.