Summer college goes online
PSU summer LEAP Program
On April 16, I received an email from the Penn State admissions office that explained that summer classes, which I’d be attending as an incoming freshman, will be done virtually; I was devastated, but not surprised. I was born into a Penn State family as my parents and three older siblings have attended the university, and I was excited to start my own journey on July 1.
Multiple universities wrote about their summer classes going virtual, and I knew it was only a matter of time until Penn State did the same. All of the Penn State group chats were blowing up when the news came out, and many students were trying to get out of the virtual summer session. However, I still wanted to take the two classes I had already signed up for, virtual or not.
The main purpose of going to college in the summer is to meet new people and get used to the school, which none of us will be able to do anymore. Obviously, being able to take two classes and get credits is a big part of summer session; however, the main reason for attending is for social reasons, especially at such a big school as Penn State.
I am upset about all of the memories I am missing out on that two of my older siblings got to experience and that my first-ever college classes are going to be virtual. I wish I could meet my adviser, classmates and professors in person.
Although I am upset about the virtual classes, Penn State has done an amazing job explaining how everything is going to work, and they have been holding Zoom meetings with a Q&A chat that has been very informative and helpful.
Penn State is announcing on June 15 whether students are going back to the university in the fall. I am trying to stay positive and believe that we will go back.