Buckle up, the RV movement is reaching full speed

Photo Karen Arnold CCO Public Domain

Retro RV 1960s

At a time when many industries are struggling, the RV (Recreational Vehicle) business isn’t just chugging along: it’s in full gear. According to bostonglobe.com, RVshare, a company that connects customers with people who are renting out their RVs, experienced a 1,000 percent increase in bookings between April and early June. 

While the vehicles were first used during the pandemic by medical workers to self-isolate, as states lift their restrictions, more people are using them to satisfy their craving for adventure. Current travel guidelines and bans make it difficult to have a conventional vacation, but that shouldn’t deter people from seeing the world around them in a safe and comfortable manner.

 If you’re somehow not sick of your family yet and are ready to take the ultimate road trip, follow these quick steps for a smooth ride. 

Select your vehicle. Like people, RV’s come in many different shapes and sizes. Consider the number of people you’re traveling with and how much space each person requires. Think about what accommodations are a must-have by asking yourself some questions: Do we want to be able to prepare meals in the RV? Are make-shift sleeping quarters necessary or are we pitching tents at campsites? Do we want to be able to tow our car behind the RV for daily excursions? If you’re answering no to these questions, downsize to a van or pile into your car. 

Pick a destination. Before embarking on your journey, it’s important to do some research and keep in mind the places you want to visit. National parks have their own policies for re-opening, so make sure information and numbers to contact are easily accessible. Maybe you’re going to a family friend’s lake house in Michigan, so the only thing you have to do is charge your phone and follow Waze. Or maybe you’re heading South on backroads to the Great Smoky Mountains and Shenandoah. Either way, it’s important to make an itinerary to ensure that no matter where you are, there’s a safe place to spend the night. 

Pack accordingly. Road trips are the perfect time to welcome the long-forgotten treasures of your youth. A Scooby-Doo marathon to help pass the time? Yes, please. Use the money you saved by opting not to stay in a hotel to stock up on animal crackers, granola bars, Capri Suns, trail mix, and Twizzlers (all of the essentials). To prevent yourself from being the hated “Are we there yet?” child, consider packing some Mad Libs, a deck of cards, and brainstorming a killer list for 20 questions. If you’re looking to channel your most adventurous self for the trip, serve some looks in zip-off hiking pants and water shoes. Luckily, anything goes on the road.

At first, taking a cross-country RV trip might seem a little daunting, especially after spending the past few months at home, adapting to a new schedule and developing a spiritual connection to the furniture. However, open roads and beautiful scenery might be just what you and your family need to ring in summer and get excited about life again. RVs are making a comeback, so pack your bags and put the pedal to the metal.