RuRu’s cranberry sauce
Photo Caroline Collins
RuRu’s cranberry sauce
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I love getting together with my family and friends to share a special meal. I enjoy all of the elaborate dishes, but my favorite Thanksgiving food is cranberry sauce, specifically my family’s recipe. Ever since I was little I have helped my mom and grandma make this special cranberry sauce each year. It’s my great-grandma RuRu’s recipe and was always her favorite thing to make during the holiday season. Her recipe has been passed down in our family for many generations and now you can make it too. This Thanksgiving dish is easy to make and only requires a few ingredients.
- 2 cups of water
- 2 packages fresh cranberries
- 2 cups of sugar
- 2 large oranges (for orange zest)
- Raisins (optional)
Rinse the cranberries. Add the cranberries and cold water in a saucepan. Add the sugar and orange zest (add raisins if desired) to the mixture in the saucepan. Cook slowly over medium heat until thick, about 1 hour. Stir occasionally. Keep refrigerated in an air-tight container.
Happy Thanksgiving!