The Catholic Church takes another cheap shot at the LGBTQIA community
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Pope Francis
On March 15, the Vatican released a statement approved by Pope Francis stating, “the blessing of homosexual unions cannot be considered licit” because “God does not and cannot bless sin.” However, “the negative judgment on the blessing of unions of persons of the same sex does not imply a judgment on persons.”
On the most basic level, these statements are contradictory. To classify same-sex unions as a sin and therefore decide that a relationship cannot be legitimized by the Church or God is to pass judgment for a major part of their identity: their sexuality.
I grew up in CCD and made my confirmation my sophomore year. That being said, I’m openly critical of organized religion and am in no way religious. I got confirmed because I saw it as the next logical step after years of church groups, but in retrospect, it wasn’t the right decision for me based on my religious beliefs or lack thereof. I hold nothing against anyone who actively practices their faith.
To be clear, if you’re a member of the Catholic Church, I’m not attacking you or your personal relationship with God. I’m criticizing the faulted institution that, at large, excuses its intolerance with Bible verses and the misconstrued words of God.
I feel for LGBTQIA members of the Church at this time and in general. It’s hard to feel like an equal member of your congregation when you don’t get the same opportunities or acceptance as your peers.
The Vatican’s statement came as a shock, especially since in 2020 Pope Francis stated that “homosexual members have a right to be a family,” and signaled to change by stating, “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.”
An issue that many people, myself included, have with the Church and its position on homosexuality is its selective adherence to the Bible. There are countless Bible verses that the institution chooses to ignore, like the instruction in Leviticus not to eat shellfish or wear mixed fabric garments; yet, verses condemning sexuality are upheld. For example, Deuteronomy 22:20-21 reads, “But if the thing is true, and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death.”
Fortunately, no one follows this. But why? Based on the defense that homosexuality is inherently wrong because it’s classified as a sin by the gospel, in essence, Catholics should stone any young woman who isn’t a virgin. I don’t need to be religious to know what’s morally right and wrong. I know that it’s morally wrong to pick which parts of the Bible to follow as a way to mask hate and bias. In addition, Leviticus, many of whose verses are used to condemn homosexuality, was written under the Kingdom of Israel, which no longer exists. Thus, there is no reason for any of its archaic doctrines to be followed.
Some of the most devout members of the Catholic Church identify as LGBTQIA. I’m saddened to see that they still don’t receive the same level of respect and recognition as straight people. The Vatican’s refusal to bless same-sex marriage is regressive and harmful. The imbalance of marital privileges granted to heterosexual and homosexual couples unfairly places the former above the latter and everyone, regardless of sexuality, has a right to be angry.