Every morning and afternoon, students are greeted by radiant smiles on the corners of Dorian Road and Westfield Avenue. Rain or shine, the local crossing guards’ smiles and enthusiasm is contagious.
Meet Crossing Guards Howard Reichbach and Mike Seidel, who help keep the community safe as they patrol these corners.
Student Resource Officer Nick Calello explained the importance of crossing guards: “You have about 2,000 kids entering the high school at any given time in the morning so [crossing guards] ensure the safety of the traffic and the kids crossing the street. These intersections can get very busy especially when people are in a rush getting to school or dropping off their kids.”
Crossing guards play a significant role in the safety of pedestrians, but they do more than protect people while crossing the street.
Along with their job, they create special bonds with the students and families who frequently cross in their assigned areas.
Both Seidel and Reichbach are Westfield residents and wanted to contribute to the community. They thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to help out the town.

Seidel explained that it is rewarding to see all of the students’ achievements as he gets to know them over the four years they attend WHS. “When you see someone start out in the ninth grade and then all of a sudden they are graduating, there is a big feeling of happiness because I start to know them on a personal level. These students are such high achievers. Their accomplishments make me smile and I love to hear about them,” Seidel said.
Whether it is the goofing around or the small talk, Reichbach noted the reciprocal nature of his interactions which often puts a smile on his face. “My favorite part of this job is seeing all the students. I hope even a simple greeting will help make a difference in one of these students’ days,” Reichbach said.
Reichbach’s goal is that these friendly interactions will have a domino effect of spreading kindness throughout the community.
These crossing guards show up each day with positive attitudes as they help ensure the safety of the students. So that their dedication and passion do not go unnoticed, the next time you are crossing the streets near WHS be sure to give a big hello to Mike Seidel or Howard Reichbach.