Stressful for one. Stressful for all.


Test too close to midterms

“I should be revieiwing for midterms, it’s too late to be having a unit test.”

Getting a big review too close to midterms

“How can they expect me to study ALL of this information in just one week?!”

Number of exams

“I have to study for four hours for each of my six exams!!!”

Exam length

“I hate having to sit for two hours straight!! It’s SO boring!!”

Short break between exams

“If I have a double-day, I only have an hour between the two tests to rest my brain, eat and do last-minute review for my next exam.”

Sleep deprivation

“I’m barely sleeping because I have to study for my exams.”


Test too close to midterms

“I’m going to have to grade these tests and the midterm exams.”

Getting a big review too close to midterms

“Ugh, it took me forever to make that exam review and include all the units we’ve done so far!”

Number of exams

“I have to create, proctor, and grade 100 exams.”

Exam length

“I hate having to stare at my students for two hours!! It’s SO boring!!”

Short break between exams

“I always have students coming to me during the short break, stressed out, asking last-minute questions.”

Sleep deprivation

“I’m barely sleeping because of the grading that needs to get done.”