$enior Year

How much will it cost you?

Being a senior can be stressful, but it may actually be your wallet that’s under the most pressure. With applications to fill out, college tours to go on, and standardized tests to take, it’s not hard for senior year to rack up a bill nearly as scary as college admission.

Recently, nj.com published an article detailing just how expensive senior year is. Let’s take a closer look at the itemized expenses specific to a senior at WHS applying to 10 colleges.

Senior photos: $200

Test prep courses: $1,000

College visits: $2,000

Standardized tests: $150

Cap and gown: $30

Lawn sign: $40

Yearbook/yearbook ads: $200

College applications: $500

Submitting test scores: $112

AP exams: $188

Prom attire: $250

Prom admission: $70

Prom house: $450

College apparel: $150

Graduation party: $400

Graduation party gifts: $200

Miscellaneous: $200

   Total: $6,140

**This list is an approximation and senior year expenses could be more or less depending on the student.