WHS seniors create podcast

Photo @bennyandthejetpodcast

A daily ritual for many sports fans is driving to school or work and listening to a sports network channel. Some of the famous names you probably hear are Boomer and Gio, Steven A. Smith and Michael K., but did you know that there is a sports broadcasting duo at WHS?

Seniors Jet Tilyou and Ben Kaplan started their podcast Benny and the Jet last winter. In their podcasts, they interview athletes, both alumni and current, and discuss their athletic careers. Along with the interview, the duo discusses recent happenings in the sports world and what big events are coming up.

One may wonder how two high school students have time to create podcasts and set up interviews with athletes. The answer is simple: “The truth is that we just love sports and when you love something, you make time for it,’’ said Tilyou.

Kaplan admits that it was Tilyou who came up with the idea. Tilyou would always listen to humorous sports podcasts and he thought, “We’re funny guys, why can’t we make podcasts like this?” And, just like that, Benny and the Jet was born.

The duo started with interviewing WHS Physical Education Teacher James McKeon, and now they are reaching outside of Westfield and interviewing ex-professional athletes. It is the boys’ responsibility to contact people and set up a date and time that works for everyone. They said they were nervous to communicate with professional athletes at first because they were “just high school students,” but they are happy that they took the risk. They are now interviewing and reviewing the sports world a couple of times a month with local and proessional athletes.

The WHS student body is becoming more familiar with this podcast and they love all aspects of it. “I really enjoy how they interview people throughout WHS because it’s easy for me to relate and stay intrigued in the podcast,” said senior Nick Martini.

Not only are students loving the relatability of this student-run podcast, but they also enjoy the dedication and different viewpoints they touch upon within their projects. “I find it incredible how they are able to formulate emails and direct messages that professional [and student] athletes are willing to respond to,” said senior Andrew Echausse. “The athletes give them time and their honest opinion on aspects of the sports world that others are not able to get.”

This podcast is something that Kaplan and Tilyou look forward to doing throughout their senior year. Their next podcast will be released within the week. All of their podcasts are available on their Instagram account, YouTube, Spotify podcast and Apple podcast at @bennyandthejetpodcast.