New policies for attending college visits

Students are able to learn about colleges from representatives that visit WHS throughout the first semester, but since the Hi’s Eye article was published on Oct. 11, the procedure to attend them has become more stringent.

On Oct. 21, students and parents received an email from the Director of Counseling about the new policies for college visits. Students are now required to sign up on Naviance for each visit 24 hours prior to the meeting. If a student is not on the list, and they attend the meeting anyway, it will be a class cut.

Previously, students were allowed to attend at any time by signing an attendance sheet. Therefore, students could attend unlimited college visits throughout the day with no consequences for missing classes. The freedom students had with sign-ups concerned administration. 

Principal Mary Asfendis believes these new policies will encourage students to be mindful: “Our hope is always that students are thoughtfully considering how to best utilize their time…. We want to make sure that if kids are going to visits, they’re going for the right reasons.”

Read the original Hi’s Eye article about college visits