Come to Folio’s spooky virtual coffeehouse tonight

Folio, WHS’ literary arts magazine, is hosting its first coffeehouse of the year tonight, October 30, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Like most events in 2020, this coffeehouse is going to be virtual. Nevertheless, the night will be filled with students performing written work, songs, dances, and other artistic and creative pieces.
Folio has been published at WHS for 50 years. All students can apply to be on staff, and after reviewing and accepting artwork and written pieces throughout the school year, the club releases a magazine each spring. Editor-in-Chief Sean Marner said, “[We accept] all forms of art that can be printed on a piece of paper [for the magazine]. Folio has monthly coffeehouses where students can perform whatever they want to, however, they want to. It’s a creative outlet for a lot of students and it’s very student-led.”
Even if you’re not involved in Folio, the coffeehouse event is open to all students. In celebration of Halloween, this coffeehouse will feature all things scary and spooky, including a costume and scary story contest. Their staff application forms open up at 9:00 p.m. tonight, so anyone interested in joining Folio can attend the coffeehouse and learn more about getting involved in the club.
Although it is not ideal for performers, hosting the coffeehouse virtually is the safest alternative, especially with WHS being shut down due to COVID-19. Elizabeth Palamara, faculty adviser of Folio, said, “It’s a nice midway point between getting up and performing in front of a room full of people; you’re able to perform from your house but still get to give a performance,” Palamara said.
Marner emphasized how being part of such a creative and welcoming community where students can express themselves can benefit their psychological development. Palamara added, “I’ve seen [Folio] change people, to have such an accepting and non-judgmental space. Whether people are part of the club, or whether people are just coming to coffeehouses, it’s a place one Friday night a month where people can go and just fully not be judged. It’s so cool to see.”
The link for the coffeehouse event will be added to Folio’s Instagram bio, @westfieldfolio, at the start of the event. If you want to sign up to perform or learn additional information about tonight’s event, click HERE.