Listen up covidiots. Following rules isn’t uncomfortable. Dying is.
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An example of a crowded airport terminal
With the budding holiday season, not only is COVID-19 becoming more dangerous but so are the people who actively disregard the virus’ severity. Flying to see family or getting away from the black hole of suburbia is strongly discouraged by the CDC. Instead of buckling your aircraft’s seatbelt that is drowning in bacteria, you should buckle down inside your homes.
Many people are neglecting the importance of safety precautions due to quarantine irritation. But, while you book your next ticket or walk around stores with your mask un- der your nose, (I’ll get back to that later–don’t worry) you are prioritizing your comfort over others’ health. Quite frankly, I’m more tired of this behavior than the tedious eight-month and three-week quarantine.
Not following CDC guidelines by using air travel, especially now, makes me question people’s IQs. It’s not just air travel contributing to the alarming rise in cases though, as some people are throwing parties with more than 10 people with social distancing and masks nowhere to be found. By not following these precautions you are blatantly pushing others into harm’s way without a second thought. Sorry if that’s harsh, but the truth tends to sting.
It’s not just high schoolers in- creasing cases, even though improper mask-wearing is called ‘pulling a Westfield’ in neighboring towns. College campuses are frequently testing and mandating quarantines as well. Though it’s a difficult choice to make during the holidays, college kids should stay on campus to prevent spreading the virus.
Another way to prevent the quick spread of this virus is by wearing a CDC-approved face covering. By now we SHOULD be wearing them properly; not doing so is mind-boggling. In sporting the “half-mask” you’ve put in more than half the effort to put the mask around your ears and mouth, so why not go all the way? Wearing masks under your nose is the equivalent of paying someone a backhanded compliment. It’s subtle enough so that everyone around you thinks you are being nice, but the complimentee recognizes the underlying spite. For all you know, this half-mask could cause the loss of someone’s loved one.
I understand all these rules can be vexing, but in the words of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, “You know what’s really uncomfortable and annoying? When you die.”
COVID-19 risks don’t disappear whether you take all precautions or party like it’s January 2019. The virus isn’t leaving anytime soon. So instead of flying to see family or going to Target with your mask under your nose, how about staying positive and testing negative from the comfort of your home? Thanks.