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The Student News Site of Westfield High School

Hi's Eye

The Student News Site of Westfield High School

Hi's Eye

The Student News Site of Westfield High School

Hi's Eye

“Sophomore year, I chose journalism as a way to improve my writing. I was never a fan of writing until I stepped foot into Room 111 and saw the positivity and amazing people that were a part of journalism. I soon learned that journalism isn’t just about writing, but it is about meeting new people, learning new things and pushing yourself no matter how difficult something gets. My experience as a Hi’s Eye staff member challenged me to be a more confident writer, and it showed me that there is so much more to writing than the typical five paragraph essay. Three years later, I am very glad to say that I made the decision to continue journalism at WHS as I have had such a memorable experience.” -Emma Karp

Emma Karp , R1 Features Editor

Emma Karp is very excited to be a Feature Page editor for the 2019-2020 school year. Outside of the classroom, you can find Emma playing a match on the tennis courts or baking delicious homemade treats. Most days, Emma can be seen singing some popular tunes accompanied with her guitar. She is looking forward to all the great memories in journalism yet to come!

All content by Emma Karp